Wp Amelia

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Daniel Gattinger

Online booking plugin which has webhooks but you can't filter the webhook data


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Adrian Spiac

The integration for Amelia is now live: wp-webhooks.com/integrations/amelia/

For any special requests in regards to it, feel free to reach out to us. :)


Daniel Gattinger

Hi, is there any way to set up a video for more explanation, because i want to create a flow which saves the amelia data 2 fluent crm but i can't get any log data in the flow. But all of all seriously you guys are the best - such fast integrations i've never seen. Well done ;)


Adrian Spiac

Hey Daniel, thanks for your kind words. :)
We don't have a video explanation available as of now, but we just recently released each action and trigger as a separate page on our website, including new manuals to help you with the overall setup. This also includes a manual for the Flows. Feel free to check it out here: wp-webhooks.com/integrations/amelia/triggers/aml_booking_added/


Adrian Spiac

Status changed to: Live


Adrian Spiac

Status changed to: In progress


David Hollerwöger

Please don't forget the custom fields.


Adrian Spiac

Hi David, do you reference to extra fields that are currently not included within the given payload of Amelia inside of their webhook functionality?
In our first version, we want to recreate the payload to match it to the one that's already available.


David Hollerwöger

Hi Jannis,

I mean the custom fields that can be created in Amelia Booking, so far I know they are included in the payload of Amelia Webhook already. But in the past I have to map them individually, for the specific endpoint.