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Ilan Manoim

A newish ACF alternative, but has a bit different API for their custom table metadata. Would love to see this integrated with wp webhooks pro!


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Adrian Spiac

Hey everyone! Our Metabox integration is live!
You will find it here:

To learn more about how to use it with custom tables and more, feel free to look at the following blog post:


Adrian Spiac

Status changed to: Live


Adrian Spiac

We are currently planning our integration for Metabox. To make sure we cover most of what you are looking for, please comment down below the specific features you would like to see for this integration.

In case you want to simply update fields from Metabox, you can already do that by using the manage_meta_data argument within the create_post and update_post actions.
We also send over all Metabox related fields, by default, with most of our post triggers.


Ilan Manoim

I think the biggest update would be if you add/retrieve posts that come from the Metabox custom table and custom models (docs.metabox.io/extensions/mb-custom-table/)
Also changing the site settings by webhook would be great too, similar to the ACF integration.